- Python Basic Programs
- Python Program Examples
- Python Print Hello World
- Python Get Input from User
- Python Add Two Numbers
- Add Subtract Multiply Divide
- Python Check Even or Odd
- Python Check Prime or Not
- Python Check Alphabet or Not
- Python Check Vowel or Not
- Python Check Leap Year or Not
- Check Reverse equal Original
- Check Positive Negative Zero
- Python Check Armstrong or Not
- Python Check Palindrome or Not
- Python Check Perfect Number
- Python Find Reverse of Number
- Python Count Digits in Number
- Python Add Digits of Number
- Sum of First and Last Digits
- Python Product of Mid Digits
- Sum of Squares of Digits
- Interchange Digits of Number
- Python Sum of n Numbers
- Python Print ASCII Values
- Python Swap Two Numbers
- Python Swap Two Variables
- Python Fahrenheit to Celsius
- Python Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Python Display Calendar
- Python Days into Years, Weeks
- Find Largest of Two Number
- Find Largest of Three Number
- Python Print Fibonacci Series
- Generate Armstrong Numbers
- Python Make Simple Calculator
- Python Add Binary Numbers
- Binary Number Multiplication
- Python Mathematical Programs
- Find Sum of Natural Numbers
- Find Average of n Numbers
- Python Print Multiplication Table
- Print Table using Recursion
- Python Find Average Percentage
- Python Find Grade of Student
- Find Square Root of Number
- Python Print Prime Numbers
- Find Numbers Divisible by
- Python Find Factors of Number
- Python Find Factorial of a Number
- Python Find HCF & LCM
- Python Kilometres to Miles
- Python Find Area of Square
- Python Find Area of Rectangle
- Python Find Area of Triangle
- Python Find Area of Circle
- Python Find Perimeter of Square
- Find Perimeter of Rectangle
- Python Find Perimeter of Triangle
- Find Circumference of Circle
- Python Simple Interest
- Python Solve Quadratic Equation
- Python Different Set of Operations
- Python Display Powers of 2
- Python Find nCr & nPr
- Python Pattern Programs
- Python Print Pattern Programs
- Python Print Diamond Pattern
- Python Print Floyd's Triangle
- Python Print Pascal's Triangle
- Python List Programs
- Python Count Even/Odd in List
- Python Positive/Negative in List
- Python Even Numbers in List
- Python Odd Numbers in List
- Python Sum of Elements in List
- Sum of Odd/Even Numbers
- Python Element at Even Position
- Python Element at Odd Position
- Python Search Element in List
- Python Largest Number in List
- Python Smallest Number in List
- Python Second Largest in List
- Python Second Smallest in List
- Python Insert Element in List
- Python Delete Element from List
- Python Multiply Numbers in List
- Swap Two Elements in List
- Python 1D Array Program
- Python Linear Search
- Python Binary Search
- Python Insertion Sort
- Python Bubble Sort
- Python Selection Sort
- Remove Duplicates from List
- Python Reverse a List
- Python Merge Two List
- Python Copy a List
- Python Conversion Programs
- Python Decimal to Binary
- Python Decimal to Octal
- Python Decimal to Hexadecimal
- Python Binary to Decimal
- Python Binary to Octal
- Python Binary to Hexadecimal
- Python Octal to Decimal
- Python Octal to Binary
- Python Octal to Hexadecimal
- Python Hexadecimal to Decimal
- Python Hexadecimal to Binary
- Python Hexadecimal to Octal
- Python Matrix Programs
- Python Add Two Matrices
- Python Subtract Two Matrices
- Python Transpose Matrix
- Python Multiply Matrices
- Python String Programs
- Python Print String
- Python Find Length of String
- Python Compare Two Strings
- Python Copy String
- Python Concatenate String
- Python Reverse a String
- Python Swap Two Strings
- Python Uppercase to Lowercase
- Python Lowercase to Uppercase
- Python Check Substring in String
- Python Count Character in String
- Count Repeated Characters
- Python Count Word in Sentence
- Python Count Each Vowels
- Python Capitalize Character
- Python Capitalize Word in String
- Python Smallest/Largest Word
- Remove Spaces from String
- Remove Duplicate Character
- Remove Vowels from String
- Remove Punctuation from String
- Python Remove Word in String
- Python Remove Duplicate Words
- WhiteSpace to Hyphens
- Replace Vowels with Character
- Replace Character in String
- Python Sort String in Alphabetical
- Sort Word in Alphabetical Order
- Extract Number from String
- Python Check Anagram Strings
- Python File Programs
- Python Read a File
- Python Write to File
- Python Append Text to File
- Python Copy Files
- Python Merge Two Files
- Python Counts Characters in File
- Python Count Words in File
- Python File Content in Reverse
- Python Lines Contains String
- Python Delete Line from File
- Python Capitalize Word in File
- Python Replace Text in File
- Replace Specific Line in File
- Python Find Size of File
- Python List Files in Directory
- Python Delete Files
- Python Misc Programs
- Python Reverse a Tuple
- Python Merge Two Dictionary
- Python bytes to String
- Python bytearray to String
- Generate Random Numbers
- Python Print Address of Variable
- Python Print Date and Time
- Python Get IP Address
- Python Shutdown/Restart PC
- Python Tutorial
- Python Tutorial
Python Program to Interchange Digits of a Number
This article is created to cover some programs in Python that interchange the digits of a number entered by the user at run-time. Here is a list of Python programs covered in this article:
- Interchange the first and last digits of a given number.
- Interchange the digits of a given number using a list.
- Interchange any two desired digits of a given number.
Interchange the first and last digits of a number
The question is: write a Python program to interchange the first and last digits of a number given by the user. Here is its answer:
print("Enter the Number: ") num = int(input()) rev = 0 noOfDigit = 0 temp = num while temp>0: temp = int(temp/10) noOfDigit = noOfDigit+1 if noOfDigit<2: print("\nIt is a Single-digit Number!") elif noOfDigit==2: temp = num while temp>0: rem = temp%10 rev = (rev*10)+rem temp = int(temp/10) print("\nFirst and Last (Second) Digit Interchanged Successfully!") print("\nNew Number: ") print(rev) else: temp = num while temp>0: rem = temp%10 rev = (rev*10)+rem temp = int(temp/10) revNum = rev rev = 0 temp = num noOfDigitTemp = noOfDigit while temp>0: remTemp = revNum%10 if noOfDigitTemp==noOfDigit: rem = temp%10 rev = (rev*10)+rem elif noOfDigitTemp==1: rem = temp%10 rev = (rev*10)+rem else: rev = (rev*10)+remTemp temp = int(temp/10) revNum = int(revNum/10) noOfDigitTemp = noOfDigitTemp-1 print("\nFirst and Last Digit Interchanged Successfully!") print("\nNew Number: ") print(rev)
Here is its sample run:
Now supply the input, say 12034, as a number to interchange the first (1) and last (4) digits of the given number:
Here is another sample run with user input: 12.
Interchange the first and last digits using a list
This program is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that this program uses a Python list to do the job.
print(end="Enter the Number: ") num = int(input()) rev = 0 noOfDigit = 0 temp = num while temp>0: temp = int(temp/10) noOfDigit = noOfDigit+1 temp = num while temp>0: rem = temp%10 rev = (rev*10)+rem temp = int(temp/10) nums = [] for i in range(noOfDigit): rem = rev%10 nums.insert(i, rem) rev = int(rev/10) if noOfDigit==1: print("\nIt's a single-digit number!") elif noOfDigit==2: temp = nums[0] nums[0] = nums[1] nums[1] = temp print("\nFirst and Last (Second) Digit Interchanged Successfully!") print(end="The New Number = " +str(nums[0])+str(nums[1])) else: i = 0 temp = nums[i] nums[i] = nums[noOfDigit-1] nums[noOfDigit-1] = temp print("\nFirst and Last Digit Interchanged Successfully!") print(end="The New Number = ") for i in range(noOfDigit): print(end=str(nums[i]))
Here is its sample run with user input, 230498:
Interchange any two desired digits of a number
The above two programs interchange the first and last digits of a given number automatically. But what if the user wants to interchange any two particular digits of a number entered by him or her?
To overcome this problem, we have another program that interchanges any two required digits of a given number. Here is the program:
print(end="Enter the Number: ") num = int(input()) rev = 0 noOfDigit = 0 temp = num while temp>0: temp = int(temp/10) noOfDigit = noOfDigit+1 if noOfDigit==1: print("\nIt's a single-digit number!") else: print(end="\nInterchange the Digit at Position: ") posFirst = int(input()) print(end="With Digit at Position: ") posSecond = int(input()) if posFirst>noOfDigit or posSecond>noOfDigit: print("\nInvalid Input!") else: temp = num while temp>0: rem = temp%10 rev = (rev*10)+rem temp = int(temp/10) arr = [] for i in range(noOfDigit): rem = rev%10 arr.insert(i, rem) rev = int(rev/10) i = 0 temp = arr[posFirst-1] arr[posFirst-1] = arr[posSecond-1] arr[posSecond-1] = temp print("\nDigits Interchanged Successfully!") print(end="The New Number = ") for i in range(noOfDigit): print(end=str(arr[i]))
Here is its sample run with user input: 1234 as a number, 1 as the position of the first digit to interchange with the digit at position 2:
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