HTML Tutorial for Beginners with Examples

Hello, my name is William. I'm a web developer with over ten years of experience. This "HTML" course was created and designed by me. I designed the course so that even beginners can understand each and every topic in the field. So, without further ado, let's get started.

What is HTML?

HTML, which stands for "HyperText Markup Language," is a markup language that is used when creating a document or page for display in a web browser.

HTML is a standard markup language. We can supplement it with additional web technologies such as CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and so on. For example, we can use "CSS" to design the content of the final page displayed in the web browser that was created with HTML, and "JavaScript" to handle user interaction on that page.

In layman's terms, HTML is a language used to publish content such as text, images, videos, pdfs, and so on to the web or internet.

Let me first assist you in getting and seeing the practical output of using "HTML" before getting a further introduction to HTML. As a result, the additional HTML explanation helps you better understand the topic. Now follow the following steps:

Step No.1: Open any text editor, such as "Notepad," or any other multi-tasking text and code editing software, such as "Visual Studio Code," and enter the following HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <h1>Welcome to my blog</h1>
      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>

Step No.2: Save the file with the ".html" or ".htm" extension, for example, "codescracker.html."

Step No.3: Now, right-click on the file "codescracker.html," select "Open with," and then choose any browser to open the file in any web browser, as shown in the screenshot below:

html tutorial open html file

Step No.4: Since HTML documents render their content on the web browser into multimedia web pages, you will see the following output after opening the file in a web browser:

html tutorial sample output one

In the above HTML code, the following are the HTML elements:

HTML elements are the foundation of web pages. The <h1> or <H1> element is used to include a heading on a web page. Similarly, when we need to include a paragraph in the web page, we use the <p> or <P>. You will be taught everything one by one. These are simply demonstrations to pique your interest and ensure that you understand the subject thoroughly.

Note: The </HtmlElement> is used to close the tag. For example: Use </p> to close the paragraph tag.

That's it; now let me go back to the original state and start the course from the very beginning and go deep into it, step by step.

What is "hyper" in HTML?

The term "hyper" in HTML refers to jumping around from one place to another in a circuitous route. When you click a link on a Web page, you go to the appropriate page on the Internet or the Web site, which may or may not be the next page on the Web site.

A brief history of HTML

HTML was first released in 1993. It was developed by a physicist named "Tim Berners-Lee." The first version of HTML was released or published this year. And the HTML has been constantly changed since then, until now. HTML evolves into a more powerful and feature-rich language with each release. The HTML versions and the year they were released are listed below.

HTML Version Released Date
HTML 2 24-11-1995
HTML 3 14-01-1997
HTML 4 18-12-1997
HTML 5 28-10-2014

Minor changes were made to HTML 4 without changing the version. Furthermore, "HTML 4" was changed by changing the number, making it "HTML 4.01." Again, "HTML 4.01" was modified without changing the version number.

The same thing occurred with "HTML 5." That is, it has changed twice since I wrote this post. The two modified versions are as follows:

HTML Basics

HTML, as previously stated, is a standard language used to design and develop web pages. So, before you start creating web pages with HTML, you should be familiar with the fundamentals.

HTML uses tags and attributes to define the content, or the structure and layout, of a Web page. An element consists of opening and closing tags, along with the content they contain, and attributes that specify additional information (like where on a Web page the element should be aligned).

HTML tags instruct web browsers on how to interpret the document. The tag's attributes contain additional information, such as its behavior and properties. The browser displays the content based on the properties and behaviors defined by the tag and the attributes.

Based on the behavior they exhibit on a web page, HTML tags are classified into the following groups:

The "root", "flow", and "interactive" categories are described in a separate article, whereas the remaining categories are going to be covered in this article, starting from the next paragraph.

One recommended article that you should read and understand before going over each of the groups of tags listed above is: HTML document structure.

HTML Metadata Tags

The metadata tags are used to set the presentation or the behavior of the remaining content of the document.

Metadata tags can also be used to set a relationship of a document with other documents.

Metadata tags can be used to provide additional information about an HTML document.

The HTML <HEAD> tag contains the metadata about the HTML document, which is not displayed by the browser and is only used by the search engine to crawl information about the web page.

The HTML <HEAD> tag is placed between the <HTML> and <BODY> tags. Here are the tags that you can include inside the HTML <HEAD> tag, or the following are the metadata tags:

Let's go over each of the above metadata tags one by one, starting with the "TITLE" tag.


The TITLE tag contains the title of the HTML document, which appears in the browser's title bar. For example, the following HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>This is the title of the web page</title>
      <h1>Welcome to</h1>
      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Asperiores expedita sunt architecto aut. Tempora 
         dignissimos doloribus eum, asperiores saepe rerum.</p>

produce the following output in the web browser:

html title tag example

I used a red arrow to draw your attention to the title of the web page. Search engines use this tag to select the document and display it in the search results. For example, if you create a web page with the title "Directory Operations in Operating System," a search engine such as "Google" will use this title to display the page as follows:

html title tag used search engine

I highlighted the title text to draw your attention. Each HEAD tag should contain a TITLE tag.

Note: Remember to keep the title text short because some browsers may struggle to handle titles longer than 256 characters. However, make it 70 or fewer characters from a search engine perspective.


All links in an HTML document can have their default URL and target set with the BASE tag. It is recommended that this tag be used as the first tag in the HEAD tag at the beginning of the document. As a result, the BASE tag's data can be used by the other tags in the head section.

The following code fragment shows the use of the BASE tag in an HTML document:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <base href="url" target="value">

Here is an example using the HTML base tag:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <base href="">
      <title>HTML Base Tag</title>

   <img src="/images/colpic.jpg" alt="color pic" width="150" height="150">
   <a href="/html/xyz.htm">HTML Metadata Tags</a> 


If you change the base URL to something else, for example, if the base URL is, then the image and the other given links will become something like

The following list describes the attributes of the BASE tag:


In order to create a link between two HTML files, the LINK tag is used. Additionally, it specifies the connection between the two HTML files. The href attribute of the LINK tag is used to define the link's target URL. A valid URL must be used for the href attribute, which is a mandatory attribute. The rel attribute, which is part of the LINK tag, specifies how the linked documents are related to one another.

The following code fragment shows the use of the LINK tag:

   <link href="file" rel="stylesheet">

Here's an example of how to use the HTML link tag:

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>HTML Metadata Tags Example - Link Tag</title>
   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">

<p>Hello, HTML Metadata Tags Tutorial</p>


The following table describes the attributes of the LINK tag:

Attribute Value Description
href URL specifies the target URL you navigate to after clicking the link.
hreflang language_code defines the base language of the target URL.
media print, braille, aural, all, screen, tty, TV, projection, handheld specifies the device on which the HTML document is displayed.
rel alternate, archives, author, first, feed, icon, help, index, license, last, next, pingback, prev, prefetch, search, stylesheet, sidebar, tag, up specifies the relationship between the HTML document and the target URL or another HTML document.
type the mime_type
For example: text/javascript, text/css
specifies the Multipurpose Internet Main Extensions (MIME) type of the target URL. The MIME type determines which type of language rules are to be followed in an HTML page, such as JavaScript or CSS.
sizes any number defines the size of the linked HTML document.

HTML Meta Tags

In most cases, metadata is specified by means of HTML meta tags (additional information about the document).

The HTML <META> tag appears inside the HEAD tag and has four attributes, which are described in the following table.

Attribute Value Description
charset character encoding defines the character encoding for the document.
contents some_text defines the content of the meta data.
http-equiv content-type
provides information about the contents attribute to an http header.
name author
provide the content of the contents attributes.

The following HTML code fragment shows the use of the META tag in a document:

   <META name="keywords" contents="keyword list">

Here is an example using HTML META tags:

   <meta name="keywords" content="html, meta, tags, example">
   <meta name="description" content="HTML meta tags tutorial with examples">
   <meta name="author" content="codescracker">
   <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30">
   <meta http-equiv="expires" content="Wed, 20 June 2022 14:25:27 GMT">
   <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">

From the above HTML meta tag example, the

The HTML meta tag can be used to add information about the last time the HTML document was updated. You can see how to set the document's last update time in HTML with this example:

   <meta name="revised" content="last_updated_time">

Using the HTML meta tag, you can set your page to automatically refresh after a specified amount of time. Here's an illustration of how to schedule an automatic page refresh every 10 seconds:

   <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10">

The HTML meta tag enables you to change the target of your webpage to another URL. As an illustration of how to change the URL of a website, consider this:

   <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10; url=">

The above meta tag is used to redirect the page to "" after 10 seconds.


To include a script like JavaScript in an HTML file, use the SCRIPT tag. The src attribute of this tag specifies an external script file or contains scripting statements. The SCRIPT tag allows you to modify the text and images on Web forms and verify that they are correct.

The following HTML code fragment shows how to use the SCRIPT tag in an HTML document:

   <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
      JavaScript code goes here

Here is an example using the HTML script tag:

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <script type="text/javascript">
      function codescracker() {
         alert("Hey, what's up?");

   <input type="button" onclick="codescracker();" value="Click Me">


When you click on the button "Click Me,"  it triggers the function "codescracker()." Therefore, the function "codescracker()" will be executed, which triggers a function defined in it, "alert()," that alerts a message written as its parameter, which is "Hey, what's up?"

The following table describes the attributes of the SCRIPT tag:

Attribute Value Description
async true, false specifies whether the script should be executed asynchronously or not.
type text/ecmascript
specifies the MIME type of the script.
charset charset specifies the character encoding used in the script.
defer true
specifies whether or not the browser can continue parsing the HTML document.
src URL specifies the URL of a file that contains the script.

If the value of the async attribute is true, then the script executes asynchronously. In this case, the script executes while the document is parsed. And if the value of the async attribute is false but the value of the defer attribute is true, then the script is executed after the document has finished parsing. If the values of the async and defer attributes are false, then the script is executed immediately, and the HTML page waits for the script to finish executing before continuing the parsing.


If your browser doesn't support JavaScript or you've disabled it, the NOSCRIPT tag will tell your browser to display some fallback content instead. Web browser support for JavaScript is also a factor in whether or not the NOSCRIPT tag is taken into account.

The following HTML code fragment shows the use of the NOSCRIPT tag:

<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
   document.write("Have a nice day.")
   JavaScript is disabled or not supported in your browser.


The style sheet within an HTML document is declared using the HTML STYLE tag. This tag tells the browser how to interpret the HTML code.

The following HTML code fragment shows the use of the STYLE tag:

   <STYLE type="text/css">
      Style code goes here

Here is an example using the HTML style tag:

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <style type="text/css">
      .myClass {
         background-color: purple;
         color: whitesmoke;
         padding: 12px;
         font-size: 32px;

      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>
   <div class="myClass">
      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>
      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>
   <div class="myClass">
      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

See our "CSS tutorial" for more information on how to modify the appearance of your website.

The following table describes the attributes of the STYLE tag:

Attribute Value Description
type text/css specifies the type of content, such as simple text or a style sheet, in an HTML document.
media screen, tty, tv, projection, handheld, print, braille, aural, all specifies the destination medium where the style is appearing.
scoped scoped specifies the style tags, that is, the parent tag and its child tags.

HTML Section Tags

The SECTION tag is used to represent the generic section of an HTML document.

The following HTML code fragment shows an example of the SECTION tag:

   <P>A SECTION tag example</P>

The HTML tags that belong to the SECTION tag are listed below.

Let's take a quick look at each of the six HTML tags that make up the SECTION tag and explain what they do.


To move between different HTML pages, use the NAV tag. This tag is used to display a collection of links within an HTML file.

You can see an example of the NAV tag in the HTML code below:

      <LI><A href="news.html">News</A></LI>
      <LI><A href="article.html">Article</A></LI>


The ARTICLE tag is used to represent a section that contains information about an HTML page, such as its title and the date of its creation. You can display the information in this tag in various formats, such as a new article, a blog post, or a user's comments section.

The following HTML code fragment shows an example of using the ARTICLE tag:

      Some heading content
   <P>Some article content</P>


The ASIDE tag allows us to create a section that is used to display information about the content of the other tags, such as time and date, current news, and weather report. This tag can also be used to add typographical effects to a document, such as ads, notes, links, and tips in the sidebars.

The following HTML code fragment shows an example of the ASIDE tag:

      Enter some content related to the aside article.


An HTML page's introductory material is included in the HEADER tag. Headings, paragraphs, and links are all acceptable inside the HEADER tag.

The following HTML code fragment shows an example of the HEADER tag:

   <h1>Level 1 Heading</h1>
   <a href="">HTML Section Tags</a></dd>
         <li><a href="/news">News</a>
         <li><a href="/article">Article</a>


The FOOTER tag is used to represent the footer, which is a section at the bottom of a document or section of a document that has information like links and copyright information.

The following HTML code fragment shows an example of the FOOTER tag:



The ADDRESS tag is normally defined at the header or footer of the HTML page and is used to display the contact information for a document, such as the name of the document's owner, maintainers, e-mail address for feedback, postal address, and phone number. The content of the address tag appears in italics on the Web browser.

The following HTML code fragment shows an example of the ADDRESS tag:

   <a href="contact.html">Contact Us</a>
   <a href="mail.html">Email ID</a>
   Personnel to contact for the a <a href="admin.html">CodesCracker Web Design Activity</a>

HTML Heading Tags

You will acquire knowledge of HTML heading tags here. Use the HTML heading tags to give your text some eye-catching titles. The six levels of headings available in HTML are as follows:

The first level heading, i.e., "H1," is the most important heading, and the last level heading, i.e., "H6," is the least important heading.

Every article has its own heading, for example, if you are writing an article about the top ten programming languages, you can title it "Top 10 Programming Languages."

Before writing content in an HTML document, you can use headings to provide a topic or sub-topic. Headings are basically the main phrases of the documents.

HTML Phrasing Tags

Phrasing tags are used to represent the text of the HTML document. These tags are also used to mark up the HTML document text within the paragraphs of the document. You can organize the text of your HTML document by using the HTML phrasing tags.

The following list describes all the phrasing tags available in HTML:

Some of the most well-known and frequently employed HTML phrasing tags are used in the following example.

<!DOCTYPE html>

   <p><A href="#">link</A>,  <B>bold text</B>, <code>print("Hello there!")</code></p>
   <p><DEL>deleted text</DEL>, <EM>highlighted text</EM>, <I>italic text</I></p>
   <p><MARK>marked text</MARK>, <SMALL>small text</SMALL>, <STRONG>strong text</STRONG></p>
   <p>H<SUB>2</SUB>O, (a+b)<SUP>2</SUP></p>


link, bold text, print("Hello there!")


deleted text, highlighted text, italic text

marked text, small text, strong text

H2O, (a+b)2

HTML Embedded Tags

Embedded tags are used to import content from other sources into an HTML document.

The following list describes all HTML embedded tags.

Comments in HTML

Comment help us describe or explain our code, which can be useful when we want to change or edit the source code in the future.

The comment tag is used to insert comments in the code of your document. In HTML, anything written between the
<!-- and -->
tags is taken as a comment by the Web browser. For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <!--Following is the container for header-->
      <div class="myHeader">
         <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
         <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.</p>


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.

These comments are ignored by the web browser and are not displayed on the HTML page. For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <div class="myHeader">
         <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
         <!-- <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.</p> -->


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Audience Message

We hope that the extensive use of examples throughout this "HTML course" will prove useful in facilitating the learning process for all readers.

Due to the inefficiency of trying to cover the entire course in a single article, the following topics and articles have been created to better organize the material presented in this course:


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