- PHP Basics
- Learn PHP
- PHP Comments
- PHP Data Types
- PHP Variables
- PHP Operators
- PHP echo
- PHP print
- PHP echo vs. print
- PHP if else
- PHP switch
- PHP for Loop
- PHP while Loop
- PHP do...while Loop
- PHP foreach Loop
- PHP break and continue
- PHP exit()
- PHP exit() vs. break
- PHP isset()
- PHP Arrays
- PHP print_r()
- PHP unset()
- PHP Strings
- PHP Functions
- PHP File Handling
- PHP File Handling
- PHP Open File
- PHP Create a File
- PHP Write to File
- PHP Read File
- PHP feof()
- PHP fgetc()
- PHP fgets()
- PHP Close File
- PHP Delete File
- PHP Append to File
- PHP Copy File
- PHP file_get_contents()
- PHP file_put_contents()
- PHP file_exists()
- PHP filesize()
- PHP Rename File
- PHP fseek()
- PHP ftell()
- PHP rewind()
- PHP disk_free_space()
- PHP disk_total_space()
- PHP Create Directory
- PHP Remove Directory
- PHP Get Files/Directories
- PHP Get filename
- PHP Get Path
- PHP filemtime()
- PHP file()
- PHP include()
- PHP require()
- PHP include() vs. require()
- PHP mysqli Tutorial
- PHP mysqli Tutorial
- PHP and MySQL Setup
- PHP mysqli: Create Database
- PHP mysqli: Create Table
- PHP mysqli: Insert Record
- PHP mysqli: Update Record
- PHP mysqli: Fetch Record
- PHP mysqli: Delete Record
- PHP mysqli: SignUp Page
- PHP mysqli: LogIn Page
- PHP mysqli: Store User Data
- PHP mysqli Functions
- PHP mysqli_connect()
- PHP mysqli_close()
- PHP mysqli_connect_errno()
- PHP mysqli_connect_error()
- PHP mysqli_query()
- PHP mysqli_fetch_row()
- PHP mysqli_fetch_assoc()
- PHP mysqli_fetch_array()
- PHP mysqli_free_result()
- PHP mysqli_error()
- PHP mysqli_prepare()
- PHP mysqli_stmt_bind_param()
- PHP mysqli_stmt_execute()
- PHP mysqli_stmt_fetch()
- PHP mysqli_stmt_store_result()
- PHP mysqli_stmt_num_rows()
- PHP mysqli_stmt_bind_result()
- PHP mysqli_stmt_get_result()
- PHP mysqli_result class
- PHP mysqli_report()
- PHP error_reporting()
- PHP mysqli_real_escape_string()
- PHP htmlspecialchars()
- PHP Misc Topics
- PHP Object Oriented
- PHP new Keyword
- PHP header()
- PHP getallheaders()
- PHP Cookies
- PHP Sessions
- PHP Date and Time
- PHP File Upload
- PHP Image Processing
PHP mysqli: A Beginner-Friendly Tutorial
When it comes to creating dynamic and interactive websites, PHP and MySQL are two indispensable technologies. The combination of MySQL, an open-source relational database management system, and the server-side scripting language PHP results in highly functional data storage and management.
When combined, PHP and MySQL are a formidable force that simplifies the development of complex web applications. The fundamentals of PHP, MySQL, and their interplay will be covered here.
MySQL and mysqli (MySQL Improved) are two different APIs for connecting to a MySQL database server in PHP. In this "PHP mysqli" tutorial series, I will use mysqli instead of the traditional MySQL API because it has more advanced features (like prepared statements, object-oriented programming, and so on) and runs faster.
The same SQL query can be run multiple times with different parameter values using prepared statements. Prepared statements can enhance the performance of database queries and aid in the prevention of SQL injection attacks.
Note: From now on, "MySQL" refers to the database management system, not the API. I'll use "mysqli" as an API.
Why use PHP with mysqli?
You can use the PHP scripting language on your web to connect with your database, like MySQL.
If you want to run your database or use it to feed, retrieve, update, or delete data from your website or the web, PHP with mysqli is one of the ways to go.
PHP mysqli topics
This PHP mysqli tutorial is divided into the following separate parts:
- PHP and MySQL setup
- PHP MySQL Create Database
- Create MySQL table using PHP mysqli script
- PHP mysqli code to insert data into the MySQL database
- PHP mysqli code to update data
- PHP mysqli code to fetch data from the database
- PHP mysqli code to delete data from the database
- PHP mysqli code to create a signup or registration page or form
- PHP mysqli code to create a login page or form
- PHP mysqli code to store form data in a database
Starting from the next post, all these topics will be covered one by one, with all the details and codes.
And, after covering the aforementioned topics, I believe you will enjoy learning the following functions, which will be used in the aforementioned topics of the "PHP mysqli" tutorial series.
- mysqli() and mysqli_connect()
- close() and mysqli_close()
- connect_errno and mysqli_connect_errno()
- connect_error and mysqli_connect_error()
- query() and mysqli_query()
- fetch_row() and mysqli_fetch_row()
- fetch_assoc() and mysqli_fetch_assoc()
- fetch_array() and mysqli_fetch_array()
- free_result() and mysqli_free_result()
- error and mysqli_error()
- prepare() and mysqli_prepare()
- bind_param() and mysqli_stmt_bind_param()
- execute() and mysqli_stmt_execute()
- fetch() and mysqli_stmt_fetch()
- store_result() and mysqli_stmt_store_result()
- num_rows and mysqli_stmt_num_rows()
- bind_result() and mysqli_stmt_bind_result()
- get_result() and mysqli_stmt_get_result()
- mysqli_driver() and mysqli_report()
- error_reporting()
Features of using PHP with mysqli
Following is a list of some of the main features or characteristics of using PHP with mysqli.
- Prepared statements are a powerful mysqli feature that allows the same SQL query to be run multiple times with different parameter values. This can improve database query performance and help prevent SQL injection attacks.
- mysqli's object-oriented interface facilitates greater code organization and reuse.
- Transactions in mysqli allow you to group multiple SQL queries into a single atomic unit of work. Transactions can aid in the consistency and integrity of data.
- Because of its improved handling of connection management and data types, mysqli is generally faster and more efficient than the older MySQL API.
- When compared to the older MySQL API, mysqli provides better error handling, with more informative error messages and better debugging support.
- Multiple SQL statements can be executed in a single query with mysqli, which can simplify code and improve performance in some cases.
Advantages of using PHP with mysqli
Here are some advantages of using PHP with mysqli:
- Improved Performance: Because it supports prepared statements and other performance enhancements, mysqli is faster than the older MySQL extension for PHP.
- Enhanced Security: SQL injection attacks can be prevented using prepared statements in mysqli, which is a significant security improvement over older PHP/MySQL combinations.
- Object-Oriented Interface: mysqli supports object-oriented programming, which makes writing clean and modular code easier.
- Transaction Support: Transactions are supported by mysqli, allowing you to execute a set of database operations as a single unit of work, ensuring data integrity.
Disadvantages of using PHP with mysqli
Here are some disadvantages of using PHP with mysqli:
- Issues with Compatibility: mysqli is only compatible with MySQL databases, which may limit your database options.
- mysqli is more complex than the older MySQL extension, necessitating some additional learning and adaptation.
- While mysqli is still widely used, its popularity has waned in recent years, which may limit the availability of online resources and community support.
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