PHP file(): Read a file into an array by lines

The PHP file() function is used when we need to get the whole content of a file as an array. For example:

   $x = file("codescracker.txt");

The output of the above PHP example on the file() function is:

php file function

That is, the file() function reads a file into an array, where each line of the file becomes an element of the array. And since there are three lines, the file codescracker.txt contains them; therefore, we have seen the above output.

Also, if we write:

echo $x[0];



We will get the same output using both of the above statements; that will be the first line of the file. For example:

   $x = file("codescracker.txt");
   echo $x[0];
   echo "<br>";
   echo $x[1];
   echo "<br>";
   echo $x[2];

Now the output of the above PHP example is:

php file function example

PHP file() Syntax

The syntax of the file() function in PHP is:

file(filename, flag, context)

The first parameter (filename) is required, whereas the last two (flag and context) parameters are optional.

Note: The filename parameter is used to specify the name of a file along with its extension, available in the current directory (the directory where the PHP code to read the file using file() is saved).

Note: The flag parameter is used to specify the flag value using:

Note: The context is used when we need to specify the resource of the context stream.

Advantages of the file() function in PHP

Disadvantages of the file() function in PHP

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