foreach loop in PHP with examples

Unlike other loops, the "foreach" loop in PHP works only for arrays. The foreach loop is used when we need to execute a code blocks multiple times for each element of an array.

PHP foreach loop syntax

The syntax of the foreach loop in PHP is:

foreach($array as $value)
   // block of code;

For the first time, the first element of the array gets assigned to $value. Similarly, at the second time, the second element of the array gets assigned to $value, and so on. This process continues until the last element. For example:

   $languages = array("Python", "CSS", "JS", "PHP", "SQL");
   foreach($languages as $x)
      echo $x;
      echo "<BR>";

Five strings, each of which represents a different programming language, are used to initialize the array $languages in the PHP code above.

The $languages array's elements are then iterated over using a foreach loop. The code creates a variable called $x and sets it to the value of the current element while it is in the loop.

The echo statement is then used to echo the value of $x, followed by a line break. Each programming language will appear on a separate line as a result.

The foreach loop iterates until all of the elements in the $languages array have been processed.

The output of the above PHP example is shown in the snapshot given below:

php foreach loop

PHP foreach loop example

This example uses an array whose elements are key-value pairs.

   $addr = array("Name"=>"Lucas", "Age"=>"26", "City"=>"Frankfurt");
   foreach($addr as $k => $v)
      echo "$k = $v <BR>";

The PHP code above creates three key-value pairs for the $addr associative array. The corresponding value for each key contains the specific information for that key. Each key represents a piece of information about a person, such as their name, age, and city of residence.

Then, it iterates through each key-value pair in the $addr array using a foreach loop. The code assigns the current value to a variable called $v and the current key to a variable called $k within the loop.

The echo statement is then used to echo the current key-value pair with string interpolation ("$k = $v") and a line break ("<BR>"). Each key-value pair will be displayed separately as a result.

The foreach loop iterates until all of the key-value pairs in the $addr array have been processed.

The snapshot given below shows the sample output produced by this PHP example, on foreach loop:

foreach loop in PHP

Advantages of the foreach loop in PHP

Disadvantages of the foreach loop in PHP

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