- JavaScript Basics
- JavaScript Tutorial
- JavaScript: where to write
- JavaScript: how to display
- JavaScript: keywords
- JavaScript: comments
- JavaScript: variables
- JavaScript: operators
- JavaScript: data types
- JavaScript Conditional Statements
- JavaScript: if-else
- JavaScript: switch
- JavaScript: for loop
- JavaScript: while loop
- JavaScript: do-while loop
- JavaScript: break and continue
- JavaScript Popup Boxes
- JavaScript: alert box
- JavaScript: confirm box
- JavaScript: prompt box
- JavaScript Popular Topics
- JavaScript: functions
- JavaScript: innerHTML
- JavaScript: getElementById()
- JavaScript: getElementsByClassName()
- JavaScript: getElementsByName()
- JavaScript: getElementsByTagName()
- JavaScript: querySelector()
- JavaScript: querySelectorAll()
- JavaScript: document.write()
- JavaScript: console.log()
- JavaScript: boolean
- JavaScript: events
- JavaScript: Math object
- JavaScript: Math.random()
- JavaScript: Number()
- JavaScript: parseInt()
- JavaScript: parseFloat()
- JavaScript Arrays
- JavaScript: array
- JavaScript: find length of array
- JavaScript: add element at beginning
- JavaScript: add element at end
- JavaScript: remove first element
- JavaScript: remove last element
- JavaScript: get first index
- JavaScript: get last index
- JavaScript: reverse an array
- JavaScript: sort an array
- JavaScript: concatenate arrays
- JavaScript: join()
- JavaScript: toString()
- JavaScript: from()
- JavaScript: check if value exists
- JavaScript: check if array
- JavaScript: slice an array
- JavaScript: splice()
- JavaScript: find()
- JavaScript: findIndex()
- JavaScript: entries()
- JavaScript: every()
- JavaScript: fill()
- JavaScript: filter()
- JavaScript: forEach()
- JavaScript: map()
- JavaScript Strings
- JavaScript: string
- JavaScript: length of string
- JavaScript: convert to lowercase
- JavaScript: convert to uppercase
- JavaScript: string concatenation
- JavaScript: search()
- JavaScript: indexOf()
- JavaScript: search() vs. indexOf()
- JavaScript: match()
- JavaScript: match() vs. search()
- JavaScript: replace()
- JavaScript: toString()
- JavaScript: String()
- JavaScript: includes()
- JavaScript: substr()
- JavaScript: slice string
- JavaScript: charAt()
- JavaScript: repeat()
- JavaScript: split()
- JavaScript: charCodeAt()
- JavaScript: fromCharCode()
- JavaScript: startsWith()
- JavaScript: endsWith()
- JavaScript: trim()
- JavaScript: lastIndexOf()
- JavaScript Date and Time
- JavaScript: date and time
- JavaScript: Date()
- JavaScript: getFullYear()
- JavaScript: getMonth()
- JavaScript: getDate()
- JavaScript: getDay()
- JavaScript: getHours()
- JavaScript: getMinutes()
- JavaScript: getSeconds()
- JavaScript: getMilliseconds()
- JavaScript: getTime()
- JavaScript: getUTCFullYear()
- JavaScript: getUTCMonth()
- JavaScript: getUTCDate()
- JavaScript: getUTCDay()
- JavaScript: getUTCHours()
- JavaScript: getUTCMinutes()
- JavaScript: getUTCSeconds()
- JavaScript: getUTCMilliseconds()
- JavaScript: toDateString()
- JavaScript: toLocaleDateString()
- JavaScript: toLocaleTimeString()
- JavaScript: toLocaleString()
- JavaScript: toUTCString()
- JavaScript: getTimezoneOffset()
- JavaScript: toISOString()
- JavaScript Regular Expression
- JavaScript: regular expression
- JavaScript: RegEx . (dot)
- JavaScript: RegEx \w and \W
- JavaScript: RegEx \d and \D
- JavaScript: RegEx \s and \S
- JavaScript: RegEx \b and \B
- JavaScript: RegEx \0
- JavaScript: RegEx \n
- JavaScript: RegEx \xxx
- JavaScript: RegEx \xdd
- JavaScript: RegEx quantifiers
- JavaScript: RegEx test()
- JavaScript: RegEx lastIndex
- JavaScript: RegEx source
- JavaScript Programs
- JavaScript Programs
JavaScript toUTCString(): Get the complete date as a string according to UTC
The JavaScript toUTCString() method is used to get the complete date as a string based on the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For example:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p id="xyz"></p> <script> const d = new Date(); let dateUTC = d.toUTCString(); document.getElementById("xyz").innerHTML = dateUTC; </script> </body> </html>
In the above example, the following JavaScript statement:
const d = new Date();
creates a new "Date" object with the "new Date()" constructor. This method generates a new date and time object using the current system clock time.
Then the following JavaScript statement:
let dateUTC = d.toUTCString();
calls the Date object's toUTCString() method to convert the date and time to a string representation in UTC format. This string represents the date and time in a standard time zone-independent format. The string that results is saved in the dateUTC variable.
Finally, the following JavaScript statement:
document.getElementById("xyz").innerHTML = dateUTC;
finds the HTML element with the id attribute "xyz" and sets its innerHTML property to the value stored in the dateUTC variable using the document.getElementById() method. The current date and time in UTC format will be displayed on the web page.
JavaScript toUTCString() syntax
The syntax of the toUTCString() method in JavaScript is:
where x must be an object of the Date() constructor.
The toUTCString() method returns a string representing the UTC date and time.
Please note: To display the date in format dd-mm-yyyy, refer to its separate example.
Please note: To display time in the format hh:mm:ss, refer to its separate example.
Please note: To display time in the format hh:mm:ss AM/PM, refer to its separate example.
Advantages of the toUTCString() method in JavaScript
- toUTCString() is a built-in method in the Date object of JavaScript, so it is simple to use and does not require any additional libraries or dependencies.
- The method returns a standardized string representation of the current date and time in UTC format, which can be used to communicate dates and times across time zones or to work with international data.
- The method is widely used in web development and is supported by all major browsers.
Disadvantages of the toUTCString() method in JavaScript
- Because the toUTCString() method only returns a string representation of the date and time in UTC format, it cannot be used to directly manipulate or compare dates and times. To parse or convert the string to a more usable format, additional code may be required.
- The method returns the date and time in a standardized format that may or may not be appropriate for all applications or use cases. Certain contexts may necessitate custom formatting or localized date/time strings.
- Because the method only returns a string representation of the current date and time, it may not be suitable for applications requiring greater precision or accuracy, or for applications requiring calculations or direct manipulation of dates and times.
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