- JavaScript Basics
- JavaScript Tutorial
- JavaScript: where to write
- JavaScript: how to display
- JavaScript: keywords
- JavaScript: comments
- JavaScript: variables
- JavaScript: operators
- JavaScript: data types
- JavaScript Conditional Statements
- JavaScript: if-else
- JavaScript: switch
- JavaScript: for loop
- JavaScript: while loop
- JavaScript: do-while loop
- JavaScript: break and continue
- JavaScript Popup Boxes
- JavaScript: alert box
- JavaScript: confirm box
- JavaScript: prompt box
- JavaScript Popular Topics
- JavaScript: functions
- JavaScript: innerHTML
- JavaScript: getElementById()
- JavaScript: getElementsByClassName()
- JavaScript: getElementsByName()
- JavaScript: getElementsByTagName()
- JavaScript: querySelector()
- JavaScript: querySelectorAll()
- JavaScript: document.write()
- JavaScript: console.log()
- JavaScript: boolean
- JavaScript: events
- JavaScript: Math object
- JavaScript: Math.random()
- JavaScript: Number()
- JavaScript: parseInt()
- JavaScript: parseFloat()
- JavaScript Arrays
- JavaScript: array
- JavaScript: find length of array
- JavaScript: add element at beginning
- JavaScript: add element at end
- JavaScript: remove first element
- JavaScript: remove last element
- JavaScript: get first index
- JavaScript: get last index
- JavaScript: reverse an array
- JavaScript: sort an array
- JavaScript: concatenate arrays
- JavaScript: join()
- JavaScript: toString()
- JavaScript: from()
- JavaScript: check if value exists
- JavaScript: check if array
- JavaScript: slice an array
- JavaScript: splice()
- JavaScript: find()
- JavaScript: findIndex()
- JavaScript: entries()
- JavaScript: every()
- JavaScript: fill()
- JavaScript: filter()
- JavaScript: forEach()
- JavaScript: map()
- JavaScript Strings
- JavaScript: string
- JavaScript: length of string
- JavaScript: convert to lowercase
- JavaScript: convert to uppercase
- JavaScript: string concatenation
- JavaScript: search()
- JavaScript: indexOf()
- JavaScript: search() vs. indexOf()
- JavaScript: match()
- JavaScript: match() vs. search()
- JavaScript: replace()
- JavaScript: toString()
- JavaScript: String()
- JavaScript: includes()
- JavaScript: substr()
- JavaScript: slice string
- JavaScript: charAt()
- JavaScript: repeat()
- JavaScript: split()
- JavaScript: charCodeAt()
- JavaScript: fromCharCode()
- JavaScript: startsWith()
- JavaScript: endsWith()
- JavaScript: trim()
- JavaScript: lastIndexOf()
- JavaScript Date and Time
- JavaScript: date and time
- JavaScript: Date()
- JavaScript: getFullYear()
- JavaScript: getMonth()
- JavaScript: getDate()
- JavaScript: getDay()
- JavaScript: getHours()
- JavaScript: getMinutes()
- JavaScript: getSeconds()
- JavaScript: getMilliseconds()
- JavaScript: getTime()
- JavaScript: getUTCFullYear()
- JavaScript: getUTCMonth()
- JavaScript: getUTCDate()
- JavaScript: getUTCDay()
- JavaScript: getUTCHours()
- JavaScript: getUTCMinutes()
- JavaScript: getUTCSeconds()
- JavaScript: getUTCMilliseconds()
- JavaScript: toDateString()
- JavaScript: toLocaleDateString()
- JavaScript: toLocaleTimeString()
- JavaScript: toLocaleString()
- JavaScript: toUTCString()
- JavaScript: getTimezoneOffset()
- JavaScript: toISOString()
- JavaScript Regular Expression
- JavaScript: regular expression
- JavaScript: RegEx . (dot)
- JavaScript: RegEx \w and \W
- JavaScript: RegEx \d and \D
- JavaScript: RegEx \s and \S
- JavaScript: RegEx \b and \B
- JavaScript: RegEx \0
- JavaScript: RegEx \n
- JavaScript: RegEx \xxx
- JavaScript: RegEx \xdd
- JavaScript: RegEx quantifiers
- JavaScript: RegEx test()
- JavaScript: RegEx lastIndex
- JavaScript: RegEx source
- JavaScript Programs
- JavaScript Programs
JavaScript document.querySelectorAll()
The JavaScript querySelectorAll() method returns all elements with the specified CSS selector. For example:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p>This is para one</p> <p class="redPara">This is para two</p> <p>This is para three</p> <p>This is para four</p> <p class="redPara">This is para five</p> <script> var ec = document.querySelectorAll(".redPara"); for(var i=0; i<ec.length; i++) ec[i].style.color = "red"; </script> </body> </html>
This is para one
This is para two
This is para three
This is para four
This is para five
See, all elements with the specified class name, that is, redPara, were returned. And I've changed the style of all those elements, one by one, using JavaScript.
In the preceding example, the following JavaScript statement:
var ec = document.querySelectorAll(".redPara");
selects all of the elements in the document that have a class of "redPara". The querySelectorAll() function returns a NodeList of all matching elements. And then the following JavaScript code for the "for" loop:
for(var i=0; i<ec.length; i++)
sets up a loop that will iterate through each of the elements in the "ec" NodeList. Finally, the following statement:
ec[i].style.color = "red";
accesses each element's style property in the "ec" NodeList and sets its color property to "red" The text color of each of the selected "p" elements is changed to red.
JavaScript querySelectorAll() Syntax
The syntax of querySelectorAll() method in JavaScript, is:
The x refers to a CSS selector. If no match found, null is returned.
Advantages of the querySelectorAll() function in JavaScript
- Being able to choose elements based on a variety of criteria, such as tag names, class names, IDs, attribute values, and more, makes querySelectorAll() very flexible.
- Compared to other techniques, querySelectorAll() typically selects more DOM elements more quickly. This is due to the fact that it optimizes selection performance using contemporary algorithms.
- Most contemporary browsers, including Internet Explorer 9 and later, support querySelectorAll().
Disadvantages of the querySelectorAll() function in JavaScript
- querySelectorAll()'s syntax can be more intricate than that of other JavaScript selection methods. For those who are less experienced with CSS selectors or are beginners, this may make it more difficult to use.
- Despite being generally quicker than other selection methods, querySelectorAll() can still be slow in some circumstances, such as when selecting elements from a very large DOM. In these situations, it might be necessary to choose elements in other ways to boost performance.
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