JavaScript entries(): Convert an Array to an Iterator Object

The JavaScript entries() method returns an object Array Iterator that will obviously have key/value pairs. For example:

HTML with JavaScript Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
      const a = ["Berlin", "Vancouver", "Tokyo", "NYC"];

      const b = a.entries();
      for(let x of b)

The snapshot given below shows the sample output produced by the above JavaScript example:

javascript entries

Note: The for...of loop is used to loop through the values of an iterable object.

The code below declares a constant variable a and initializes it with an array of four string elements from the preceding example.

const a = ["Berlin", "Vancouver", "Tokyo", "NYC"];

The entries() function is called on the "a" array, and it returns a new iterator object containing the array's key/value pairs.

const b = a.entries();

To iterate over the b iterator object, a for..of loop is used. The loop variable x is assigned a key/value pair from the iterator object on each iteration.

for(let x of b)

The document.write() method is used within the loop to display the current x value on the webpage. The entries() function returns an iterator that provides key/value pairs, resulting in a series of arrays, each containing the index and value of the corresponding element in the "a" array.

JavaScript entries() Syntax

The syntax of the entries() method in JavaScript is:


Advantages of the entries() function in JavaScript

Disadvantages of the entries() function in JavaScript

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