- JavaScript Basics
- JavaScript Tutorial
- JavaScript: where to write
- JavaScript: how to display
- JavaScript: keywords
- JavaScript: comments
- JavaScript: variables
- JavaScript: operators
- JavaScript: data types
- JavaScript Conditional Statements
- JavaScript: if-else
- JavaScript: switch
- JavaScript: for loop
- JavaScript: while loop
- JavaScript: do-while loop
- JavaScript: break and continue
- JavaScript Popup Boxes
- JavaScript: alert box
- JavaScript: confirm box
- JavaScript: prompt box
- JavaScript Popular Topics
- JavaScript: functions
- JavaScript: innerHTML
- JavaScript: getElementById()
- JavaScript: getElementsByClassName()
- JavaScript: getElementsByName()
- JavaScript: getElementsByTagName()
- JavaScript: querySelector()
- JavaScript: querySelectorAll()
- JavaScript: document.write()
- JavaScript: console.log()
- JavaScript: boolean
- JavaScript: events
- JavaScript: Math object
- JavaScript: Math.random()
- JavaScript: Number()
- JavaScript: parseInt()
- JavaScript: parseFloat()
- JavaScript Arrays
- JavaScript: array
- JavaScript: find length of array
- JavaScript: add element at beginning
- JavaScript: add element at end
- JavaScript: remove first element
- JavaScript: remove last element
- JavaScript: get first index
- JavaScript: get last index
- JavaScript: reverse an array
- JavaScript: sort an array
- JavaScript: concatenate arrays
- JavaScript: join()
- JavaScript: toString()
- JavaScript: from()
- JavaScript: check if value exists
- JavaScript: check if array
- JavaScript: slice an array
- JavaScript: splice()
- JavaScript: find()
- JavaScript: findIndex()
- JavaScript: entries()
- JavaScript: every()
- JavaScript: fill()
- JavaScript: filter()
- JavaScript: forEach()
- JavaScript: map()
- JavaScript Strings
- JavaScript: string
- JavaScript: length of string
- JavaScript: convert to lowercase
- JavaScript: convert to uppercase
- JavaScript: string concatenation
- JavaScript: search()
- JavaScript: indexOf()
- JavaScript: search() vs. indexOf()
- JavaScript: match()
- JavaScript: match() vs. search()
- JavaScript: replace()
- JavaScript: toString()
- JavaScript: String()
- JavaScript: includes()
- JavaScript: substr()
- JavaScript: slice string
- JavaScript: charAt()
- JavaScript: repeat()
- JavaScript: split()
- JavaScript: charCodeAt()
- JavaScript: fromCharCode()
- JavaScript: startsWith()
- JavaScript: endsWith()
- JavaScript: trim()
- JavaScript: lastIndexOf()
- JavaScript Date and Time
- JavaScript: date and time
- JavaScript: Date()
- JavaScript: getFullYear()
- JavaScript: getMonth()
- JavaScript: getDate()
- JavaScript: getDay()
- JavaScript: getHours()
- JavaScript: getMinutes()
- JavaScript: getSeconds()
- JavaScript: getMilliseconds()
- JavaScript: getTime()
- JavaScript: getUTCFullYear()
- JavaScript: getUTCMonth()
- JavaScript: getUTCDate()
- JavaScript: getUTCDay()
- JavaScript: getUTCHours()
- JavaScript: getUTCMinutes()
- JavaScript: getUTCSeconds()
- JavaScript: getUTCMilliseconds()
- JavaScript: toDateString()
- JavaScript: toLocaleDateString()
- JavaScript: toLocaleTimeString()
- JavaScript: toLocaleString()
- JavaScript: toUTCString()
- JavaScript: getTimezoneOffset()
- JavaScript: toISOString()
- JavaScript Regular Expression
- JavaScript: regular expression
- JavaScript: RegEx . (dot)
- JavaScript: RegEx \w and \W
- JavaScript: RegEx \d and \D
- JavaScript: RegEx \s and \S
- JavaScript: RegEx \b and \B
- JavaScript: RegEx \0
- JavaScript: RegEx \n
- JavaScript: RegEx \xxx
- JavaScript: RegEx \xdd
- JavaScript: RegEx quantifiers
- JavaScript: RegEx test()
- JavaScript: RegEx lastIndex
- JavaScript: RegEx source
- JavaScript Programs
- JavaScript Programs
JavaScript getUTCMinutes(): Get the UTC Minutes
The JavaScript getUTCMinutes() method is used to get the minutes (0-59) of the UTC date. UTC stands for Universal Time Coordinated, which is the same as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For example:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p id="xyz"></p> <script> const d = new Date(); let minutes = d.getUTCMinutes(); document.getElementById("xyz").innerHTML = minutes; </script> </body> </html>
In the above example, first a new "Date" object is created by calling:
const d = new Date();
which sets the current date and time.
The getUTCMinutes() function on the "Date" object "d" is then called, which returns the current UTC minute as an integer value between 0 and 59. The result is saved in the variable "minutes."
Finally, the innerHTML property of the HTML element with the ID "xyz" is set to the value of minutes using the
document.getElementById("xyz").innerHTML = minutes;
statement. This updates the contents of the HTML element to display the current UTC minute.
JavaScript getUTCMinutes() syntax
The syntax of the getUTCMinutes() method in JavaScript is:
where x must be an object of the Date() constructor.
The getUTCMinutes() method returns a number from 0 to 59, which will be the minutes of the UTC time.
Advantages of the getUTCMinutes() function in JavaScript
- Because UTC is a standardized time format, using getUTCMinutes() can help prevent confusion or errors when working with different time zones.
- It returns the minute value of the given date object between 0 and 59, which is useful when dealing with time-related operations like scheduling or timing.
Disadvantages of the getUTCMinutes() function in JavaScript
- Use other functions, such as getMinutes() or toLocaleTimeString(), if you need to work with local time because getUTCMinutes() only returns the minute value of a date object in UTC.
- It doesn't take into account any time zone changes or adjustments for daylight saving time, which could have an impact on how accurate the results are.
- It is important to note that getUTCMinutes() is a function of the Date object and not a standalone function. This means that it can only be used with Date objects and not with other types of data.
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