Python keys() function

The keys() function in Python returns the list of all keys in a specified dictionary as a view object. For example:

x = {"Name": "Sophia", "Course": "EECS", "Age": "20"}

The output will be a list of keys, that is:

dict_keys(['Name', 'Course', 'Age'])

Note: View objects provide a dynamic view of the entries in the dictionary. Therefore, when the dictionary changes, the view definitely reflects the change.

Python keys() function syntax

The syntax of the keys() function in Python is:


Python keys() function example

Here is an example demonstrating the keys() function in Python. This program allows the user to add new items to the dictionary at run-time.

x = {"Name": "Sophia", "Course": "EECS", "Age": "20"}

print("\n----Enter the new item to add in dictionary----")
print("Enter the key: ", end="")
key = input()
print("Enter the value: ", end="")
val = input()

x[key] = val

print("\nNew view object of all keys:")

The snapshot given below shows the sample run of the above program, with user input "City" as the new key and "Liverpool" as its value:

python keys function

Advantages of the keys() function in Python

Disadvantages of the keys() function in Python

Python Online Test

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