Python repr() function

The repr() function in Python returns the canonical string representation of an object. For example:

x = 'Python Programming'
x = [1, 2, 34, 43]

The output will be:

'Python Programming'
[1, 2, 34, 43]

Python repr() function syntax

The syntax of the repr() function in Python is:


The repr() function basically returns the printable representation of an object.

Note: For many types of objects, including the most built-ins, eval(repr(obj)) gives obj.

Python repr() function example

Here is an example of the repr() function in Python:

print("Enter the string: ", end="")
str = input()

print("\n----The string is, without repr(str)----")
print("\n----The string is, with repr(str)----")

The snapshot given below shows the sample run of the above program, with user input codes cracker dot com as a string:

python repr function

Note: The repr() method is used to print the official representation of an object.

Advantages of the repr() function in Python

Disadvantages of the repr() function in Python

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