- Python Built-in Functions
- Python All Built-in Functions
- Python print() Function
- Python input() Function
- Python int() Function
- Python float() Function
- Python len() Function
- Python range() Function
- Python str() Function
- Python ord() Function
- Python chr() Function
- Python ascii() Function
- Python pow() Function
- Python type() Function
- Python List Functions
- Python list() Function
- Python insert() Function
- Python append() Function
- Python extend() Function
- Python pop() Function
- Python remove() Function
- Python reverse() Function
- Python sort() Function
- Python sorted() Function
- Python Dictionary Functions
- Python dict() Function
- Python update() Function
- Python get() Function
- Python keys() Function
- Python setdefault() Function
- Python fromkeys() Function
- Python items() Function
- Python popitem() Function
- Python Tuple Function
- Python tuple() Function
- Python Set Functions
- Python set() Function
- Python frozenset() Function
- Python String Functions
- Python split() Function
- Python join() Function
- Python format() Function
- Python replace() Function
- Python Iterator Functions
- Python iter() Function
- Python min() Function
- Python max() Function
- Python sum() Function
- Python count() Function
- Python index() Function
- Python copy() Function
- Python clear() Function
- Python next() Function
- Python filter() Function
- Python enumerate() Function
- Python zip() Function
- Python reversed() Function
- Python Number Functions
- Python abs() Function
- Python bin() Function
- Python oct() Function
- Python hex() Function
- Python round() Function
- Python divmod() Function
- Python complex() Function
- Python File Handling Functions
- Python open() Function
- Python read() Function
- Python readable() Function
- Python readline() Function
- Python readlines() Function
- Python write() Function
- Python writable() Function
- Python writelines() Function
- Python close() Function
- Python seek() Function
- Python tell() Function
- Python flush() Function
- Python fileno() Function
- Python truncate() Function
- Python Class Functions
- Python object() Function
- Python property() Function
- Python getattr() Function
- Python setattr() Function
- Python hasattr() Function
- Python delattr() Function
- Python classmethod() Function
- Python staticmethod() Function
- Python issubclass() Function
- Python super() Function
- Python Misc Functions
- Python all() Function
- Python any() Function
- Python isatty() Function
- Python bool() Function
- Python callable() Function
- Python globals() Function
- Python locals() Function
- Python dir() Function
- Python id() Function
- Python isinstance() Function
- Python map() Function
- Python repr() Function
- Python slice() Function
- Python vars() Function
- Python Advance Functions
- Python help() Function
- Python hash() Function
- Python breakpoint() Function
- Python bytes() Function
- Python bytearray() Function
- Python memoryview() Function
- Python compile() Function
- Python eval() Function
- Python exec() Function
- Python Tutorial
- Python Tutorial
- Python Examples
- Python Examples
Python items() Function
The items() function in Python returns a view object that is basically the list of items available in the specified dictionary, where the returned items are in tuples of key and value. For example:
CodesCracker = { "Name": "Sophia", "City": "Liverpool", "Course": "EECS", "Age": "20" } x = CodesCracker.items() print(x)
The output will be:
dict_items([('Name', 'Sophia'), ('City', 'Liverpool'), ('Course', 'EECS'), ('Age', '20')])
In the above example, I defined a dictionary called CodesCracker, which contains four key-value pairs. Each key represents a piece of information about Sophia, and the value associated with that key is the corresponding value of that information. The keys are "Name", "City", "Course", and "Age". The values are "Sophia", "Liverpool", "EECS", and "20", respectively.
The code then creates a variable x and assigns it the result of calling the items() method on the CodesCracker dictionary. The items() method returns a list of tuples, where each tuple contains a key-value pair from the dictionary.
The print() function is then used to output the value of the x variable to the console. The list of tuples that contain all of the key-value pairs in the CodesCracker dictionary will be produced as a result.
View objects provides a dynamic view of the entries in the dictionary. Therefore, when the dictionary changes, the view definitely reflects the change.
Python items() function syntax
The syntax of the items() function in Python is:
Python items() function example
Here is an example of the items() function in Python:
CodesCracker = {"Name": "Sophia", "Age": "20"} print(CodesCracker.items()) print("\nEnter the current age to update: ", end="") ag = input() CodesCracker["Age"] = ag print(CodesCracker.items())
The snapshot given below shows a sample run of the above program with user input 22:
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