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Internetworking Terms and Concepts
The interconnection of multiple networks is known as internetworking. In this article, we will go over the terms that are most commonly used when discussing internetworking. So, here is a list of the topics we will be discussing.
- World Wide Web (WWW)
- Web Browser
- Web Server
- Website
- Web Address
- Web Page
- Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and Domain Names
- Web Hosting
- Web 2.0
- WebScripting
- Telnet
All of the topics mentioned above will be covered in this article, with the exception of three: "URL and domain names," "web hosting," and "web scripting." These three topics will be covered in their own article, beginning with the next post. Let's begin with "WWW."
The term "World Wide Web" refers to a set of protocols that enables users to access any document that is hosted on the Internet by utilizing a naming system that is founded on the format of URLs.
The World Wide Web also defines the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which is a method for requesting and sending documents over the Internet. With these standard protocols for the World Wide Web in place, one is able to configure a server and create hypertext documents with links that point to the files that are stored on the server.
Accessing textual information was the primary function of the Internet prior to the development of the World Wide Web. However, after WWW, the Internet's popularity skyrocketed due to the fact that the site featured a significant amount of graphical content. Because of this, we are only able to blame the World Wide Web for the meteoric rise in use and popularity of the internet.
Web Browser
"Web browser" is the common term for a WWW client.
A web browser is a type of World Wide Web client that allows users to navigate the World Wide Web and view web pages. Another definition of a web browser is that it displays web pages.
The four most common web browsers are Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox. Google Chrome is the most widely used.
Web Server
A web server is a computer that stores the various files that make up a website. These files can include things like HTML files, JavaScript files, CSS files, video files, image files, and so on.
You can also say that a Web server is a WWW server that responds to the requests made by web browsers. This is another definition of a Web server.
Web Site
A website is the name given to a specific location on a web server. A group of web pages that are linked together under a single domain name, such as codescracker.com, is referred to as a website.
Web Address
Each website has a unique address called a "Uniform Resource Location" (URL). For example, https://codescracker.com is the address of this website and https://codescracker.com/networking/internetworking-terms-concepts.htm is the address of this web page.
Web Pages
Web pages are the names given to the individual documents that make up a website. A website may contain anywhere from one to an infinite number of pages.
The home page of a website is considered to be the most important page on that website. When a website is opened, the landing page, also known as the home page, is displayed.
This article, which has the file name "internetworking-terms-concepts.htm" and the title "Internetworking terms and concepts," is created and uploaded to the website "codescracker.com" under the directory "networking," and it is also a web page.
Web 2.0
The term "Web 2.0" refers to the additional features and applications that have been added to the web to make it more appealing and to support the easy online exchange of information and interoperability.
Blogs, wikis, video-sharing websites, social networking websites, RSS, and other similar services are examples of Web 2.0 features that are easily recognizable.
Many new features have been added to web applications as a result of the arrival of Web 2.0, which has also revolutionized the sharing of information, the user-oriented design, and the interoperability of the internet. This has made it possible to share information in ways that were simply inconceivable only a few short years ago.
People are now able to interact or communicate with one another through a much more autonomous means thanks to Web 2.0, which provides a variety of online social media platforms.
There are a lot of Web 2.0 sites out there that have made the online sharing of information a lot more interactive.
As people have crossed socio-economic boundaries, the tools based on the Internet, such as RSS, social bookmarking, press releases, online marketing, blogs, and forums, amongst others, have left an indelible mark on their lives.
The following is a list of some of the most notable Web 2.0 tools that are widely used by people, all of which are freely available to users:
- WordPress
- MySpace
- Digg
- YouTube
- Blogger
- Flickr
All of the websites that were just mentioned offer their users an interactive forum through which comments, ratings, and other user-generated content can be communicated with one another. It has led to an increase in the amount of user participation on online websites, which has expanded the scope of the community that exists in cyberspace.
Web 2.0 has unquestionably made better functionality available and made it possible for visitors to communicate with websites in a significantly more positive manner.
Telnet is an Internet utility that has been around for a long time and allows users to log on to remote computer systems.
A character-based terminal window on another system is presented to you when you run a Telnet program. On that system, you are presented with a login prompt. If you have been given permission to access that system, then you will have the same level of control over it as if you were physically present in the room with it.
Telnet is typically utilized by individuals who have login credentials for remote systems and intend to carry out significant work on those systems.
Telnet is also useful for a variety of other purposes, some of which are more pertinent to individuals who are investigating the Internet. Telnet is particularly useful because it allows users to connect to thousands of catalogues housed in libraries located all over the world. Having access to this capability is extremely beneficial for anyone conducting in-depth research. Imagine for a moment that, while you are hard at work at your desk, you have the ability to learn which books related to your particular field are held in stock at a variety of specialized libraries located in far-flung areas.
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