Python Program to Concatenate Two Strings

In this article, we've created some programs in Python, to concatenate string entered by user at run-time. Here are the list of programs:

For example, if two given strings are codes and cracker. Then after concatenating second string into first. The first string codes becomes codescracker after concatenation.

Concatenate Two Strings using +

To concatenate two strings in Python, you have to ask from user to enter the first and second string, then concatenate using + operator just like addition as shown in the program given below. The question is, write a Python program to concatenate one string to other. Here is its answer:

print("Enter the First String: ")
strOne = input()
print("Enter the Second String: ")
strTwo = input()
strThree = strOne + strTwo
print("\nConcatenated String: ", strThree)

Here is the initial output produced by this Python program:

concatenate string python

Now supply inputs say codes as first and cracker as second string, press ENTER key to concatenate given two strings into the third string and print the value of third string as shown in the snapshot given below:

string concatenation program python

Modified Version of Previous Program

This program concatenates second string entered by user into the first. The end= is used to skip printing of an automatic newline line through print()

print("Enter Two Strings: ", end="")
strOne = input()
strTwo = input()

print("\nFirst String before Concatenation: ", strOne)
strOne = strOne + strTwo
print("\nFirst String after Concatenation: ", strOne)

Here is its sample run with same user input as of previous program's sample run:

python concatenate two strings

Concatenate String using List

This is the program created through complete user-based code to concatenate two strings. That is, this program uses list to do the job. Let's have a look at the program first:

print("Enter Two Strings: ", end="")
strOne = input()
strTwo = input()

print("\nFirst String before Concatenation:", strOne)

oneList = []
twoList = []
oneList[:0] = strOne
twoList[:0] = strTwo
oneLen = len(strOne)
twoLen = len(strTwo)

for i in range(twoLen):
    oneList.insert(oneLen, twoList[i])
    oneLen = oneLen+1

print("\nFirst String after Concatenation: ", end="")
for i in range(len(oneList)):

Here is it sample run with user input codes and cracker as first and second string:

python concatenate string using list

The dry run of above program with same user input as given in above sample run, goes like:

Concatenate Both String one by one

This program, concatenates first string to second, and second string to first using list.

print("Enter Two Strings: ", end="")
strOne = input()
strTwo = input()

oneList = []
twoList = []
tmpList = []
oneList[:0] = strOne
twoList[:0] = strTwo
tmpList[:0] = strOne
oneLen = len(strOne)
twoLen = len(strTwo)
tmpLen = oneLen

for i in range(twoLen):
    oneList.insert(oneLen, twoList[i])
    oneLen = oneLen+1

print("\nFirst String after Concatenating Second: ", end="")
for i in range(len(oneList)):

for i in range(tmpLen):
    twoList.insert(twoLen, tmpList[i])
    twoLen = twoLen+1

print("\nSecond String after Concatenating First: ", end="")
for i in range(len(twoList)):

Here is its sample run with same user input as of previous program's sample run:

python concatenate string one by one

Note - We've used third list named tmpList to do the job. That is, this list is used to store the first string's value.

Concatenate Two Strings using join()

This program uses join() function to join any string to another. Therefore string gets concatenated using join() method as shown in the program given below:

print("Enter Two Strings: ", end="")
strOne = input()
strTwo = input()

print("\nBefore Concatenation: ", strOne)
strOne = "".join([strOne, strTwo])
print("\nAfter Concatenation: ", strOne)

Here is its sample run with user input codes and cracker as first and second string:

python concatenate two strings

To concatenate strings with a single space between them, replace the following statement:

strOne = "".join([strOne, strTwo])

with the statement given below:

strOne = " ".join([strOne, strTwo])

The sample run is shown in the snapshot given below after modifying this code/statement:

concatenate two strings python

Same Program in Other Languages

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