C++ Program to Find and Print the Product of the Digits of a Number

This article provides some programs in C++ that find and print the product of the digits of a number entered by the user at run-time. The program is created in the following ways:

And at last, one extra program is also included that finds the product of the only non-zero digit of a given number.

Using a while loop, calculate the product of a number's digits

The question is: write a C++ program that receives a number from the user and prints the product or multiplication of its digit. The program given below is its answer:


using namespace std;
int main()
   int num, rem, prod=1;
   cout<<"Enter a Number: ";
      rem = num%10;
      prod = prod*rem;
      num = num/10;
   cout<<"\nProduct of all digits of given number is: "<<prod;
   return 0;

The initial output produced by the above C++ program on finding and printing the product of all digits of a given number is given in the following snapshot:

c++ program find product of digits of number

Now supply the input, say 1293 as a number, and press the ENTER key to print the product of all four digits as shown in the snapshot given here:

find product of digits of number c++

The dry run of the following block of code from the above program:

   rem = num%10;
   prod = prod*rem;
   num = num/10;

with prod=1 and num=1293, goes like this:

Find the Product of a Number's Digits Using a for Loop

This program performs the same function as the previous one, but it was written in a for loop rather than a while loop.


using namespace std;
int main()
   int num, rem, prod;
   cout<<"Enter a Number: ";
   for(prod=1; num>0; num=num/10)
      rem = num%10;
      prod = prod*rem;
   cout<<"\nProduct of all digits of given number is: "<<prod;
   return 0;

In the above program, the following two statements:

rem = num%10;
prod = prod*rem;

can also be replaced with the single statement given below:

prod = prod*(num%10);

Find the product of the digits (except 0) of a number

Since both the programs given above give 0 as output if any digit of the given number is 0, let's modify and create another program that finds the product of only one non-zero digit of the given number:


using namespace std;
int main()
   int num, rem, prod;
   cout<<"Enter a Number: ";
   for(prod=1; num>0; num=num/10)
      rem = num%10;
         prod = prod*rem;
   cout<<"\nProduct of all digits of given number is: "<<prod;
   return 0;

This program produces the same output as the previous program. But the previous program printed 0 if any digit of the given number was equal to 0, whereas this program does not print 0 if any digit of the given number is 0. Rather, this only multiplies non-zero digits and prints the multiplication result.

Modified Version of the Previous Program

This program is created in a way to provide a good user interface by showing the ongoing multiplication of digits like 3*2*4.


using namespace std;
int main()
   int num, rem, prod=1;
   cout<<"Enter a Number: ";
      cout<<"\nThe number must be greater than 0!\n";
      return 0;
      rem = num%10;
      num /= 10;
         prod = prod*rem;
   cout<<" = "<<prod;
   return 0;

This program produces the following output when the user enters a number, say 12032, as input:

print product of digits of number c++

You're seeing the digit in the form 2*3*2*1 (in reverse order). because while finding the remainder using rem = num%10, it gives the last digit. But you can reverse the number first, then do the task.

To do it, put the reverse of a number code in the very first if's body and initialize the reversed result to the number num itself, then proceed. Come on, do it yourself for practice.

C++ Quiz

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